Terms Conditions Atas Casino

Rules and Regulations for Atas Casino

Our terms and conditions are effective from early 2024 and will remain effective until certain changes are made. We can amend these conditions from time to time. We go by the name Atas Kasino, and words like ‘we,’ ‘us,’ and ‘our’ will be used in the context of our website.

Definitions our Atas Casino’s term & conditions

Certain terms and conditions concerning Atas Casino’s operations in Malaysia must be read. Certain websites’ definitions that our players need to know before registering.

‘Casino Games’ are the games offered online on the website.

‘House Betting Rules’ are specific casino gaming rules on our website. They will also apply to software providers’ services, odds, wagering, and gambling conducted on the website.

‘Devices’ on our website refers to the application and gaming devices, including but not limited to mobile phones, laptops, PDA phones, hand-held devices, etc.

‘Information’ means the details provided on Atas Casino’s site and is not limited to statistics, sports data, results, betting, and odds data.

‘Software’ means the computer program, files, or any other data installed on your device. It also includes the casino software you can use or access or the one that participates in the working of our website.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. When you register and agree to the information on our website, you agree to the gameplay terms and conditions. Please read all the terms and conditions carefully and understand the content.
  1. If the customers feel that their username and password are compromised, they must notify us immediately. Any transactions carried out herewith will be the users’ responsibility.
  1. Customers betting on the Atas Casino platform must be 18 years and above. We reserve the full right to ask for proof of the age of customers. Our staff can suspend your account until you submit proper and authentic proofs.
  1. Players cannot change or modify their bet once it is placed and verified.
  1. If a person seems to defraud us, we have all the right to void your bets. If we notice a series of bets placed in the same pattern by the same individual or a team, your accounts will be suspended.
  1. Atas Casino reserves the right to terminate anyone’s account that seems to conduct suspicious or fraudulent activities. We possess the full right to uphold the wins you have tried to earn through fraudulent activities. Your account will get suspended, too.
  1. The terms and conditions reference language is English, as we provide gambling globally. If any difficulty or comprehensive details are unclear, English will be the last and valid language for conducting lawful activities.
  1. We do not allow players to create duplicate accounts. Any customer or bettor found to have created duplicate accounts will have both their accounts suspended.
  1. To protect your funds and accounts, we conduct surprise security checks. It helps us keep a record of your transactions and wagers. Customers must accept that we can demand the documents at any moment. You must verify yourself as the account holder in the event of the security check.
  1. Inform our representatives immediately if your personal and financial details are wrong on our website. It can affect your betting spree, as the financial institutions can deny your bank transfers. We do not take any responsibility for the failure of your transactions if you cannot provide us with the correct details.

Acceptance On Our Website

By ticking the box of Accept all, you accept that you are above 18. When you click Save and Continue, you acknowledge and agree to all our terms and conditions.

We will automatically presume that you are of legal age to understand and accept our terms and conditions. If you disagree with our terms and conditions, do not tap the Accept All and Save and Continue buttons.

Installing our casino software or using any of our casino services is unnecessary.

Bonus-Related Terms and Conditions

  • We only accept online bets through desktop and mobile devices.
  • Bets, once placed and confirmed, will be valid on our website.
  • The event winner or any specific game will be declared on the same date, not before or after.
  • All our bonuses and promotions are limited to one person per family and one email address. You cannot club multiple promotions or bonuses under one email address.
  • You must fulfill our games wagering requirement to withdraw your wins. You can recharge your player’s wallet with the minimum betting amount.
  • Atas Casino reserves the right to forfeit any bonuses, bonus amounts, or winnings if the player’s activities are found suspicious. We can take down your profits if you are not limited to common betting patterns or carrying out suspicious bets.
  • If there is a case of bonus abuse, we reserve the full right to deduct your bonuses and winnings from your player’s account. Here, ‘player’ is the ‘bettor’ or ‘you.’
  • Players providing wrong or incomplete information on our casino platform cannot hold us responsible if we fail to deliver their gifts or credits.
  • Atas Casino reserves the full right to amend, cancel, refuse, or reclaim any promotion at our sole discretion.

Acceptance to Indemnity

You fully agree to indemnify Atas Casino, our stakeholders, partners, license providers, distributors, agents, etc., the reasonable legal fee that may incur because of the damage caused by you. The damage can include but is not limited to access to our full website, downloading or installing our casino software, use of our betting services, or breach of any of our terms and conditions.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

When you agree to our terms and conditions and services, you also accept that the Law of Malaysia will govern everything. The ruling by an upper court in Malaysia will be deemed as final. The arbitration will be in English. However, in the event of any fraud, Atas Casino can take action against the customer in another jurisdiction, too. 

Contact our customer care via live chat to ask any queries before signing up!